“New Constitution Sep. 17, 1787.” The Federalist banquet at ten tables, symbolizing the ten states that had ratified the new US Constitution by July 1788. Six thousand attended the New York City banquet celebrating New York’s ratification, 1788.
September 17th is Constitution Day commemorating the signing of the U.S. Constitution by thirty-nine delegates. Constitution Day provides an opportunity to revisit this important document and spark student’s interest in citizenship. And your in luck! The National Constitution Center has put together some fabulous resources designed to get students thinking about the writing and ratification of the the Constitution.
Separate lessons, documents, and online teaching tools designed for elementary, middle, and high school students provide a wealth of ways to fold Constitution Day into your lessons. Whether it be through Town Hall Walls, Meet the Founders, Yankee Doodle, or a Constitutional Duel, there are tons of grade specific resources available to create the perfect Constitution lesson for your classroom.
Make a multimedia day of it with these online games and quizzes all about the Constitution.
- Ever wonder how the constitution would turn out if your students had to decide, the “Which Founder Are You?” test will tell you how many Washington’s, Madison’s, or Hamilton’s you have in your class.
- Link your immigration lesson to the Constitution with this online “Naturalization Test.” Student test their knowledge of the United States and see the types of questions new immigrants answer to gain citizenship.
- The “Bill of Rights Game” takes a page straight from mission impossible. “Your mission…rebuild the document by finding the missing rights and freedoms in Freeville”
- Or run for office with the “Headed to the White House” game. Students can either participate as a candidate, a campaign worker, or an active citizen.